LED Lighting Upgrade At A Digital Media Company
Client location: Sumner Park QLD 4074
About the customer & what they require:
A digital marketing company was spending a fortune on their power bill each quarter because their office was filled with old-style fluro lights. They asked us to design an alternative lighting plan using LEDs in a bid to save money.
What we did:
We removed the 12 fluro light fittings in the open-plan office and replaced them with six LED panel lights, which resulted in zero compromise on the overall brightness in the room. It was a quick and easy changeover which meant little impact on staff productivity.
The results of this LED lighting upgrade:
- Significant savings on the company’s power bill going forward, as LEDs consume a third of the power of fluros
- The LED panel lights are quiet, compared to the dull hum that is often emitted from fluros
- LEDs have 2.5 x more burn time at 38,000 hours, so they will last and last
- The new panel lights are completely sealed and self-sufficient so there is zero maintenance or cleaning