Test and Tag2023-02-02T16:19:38+00:00
  • multimeter is in hands of engineer in electrical cabinet. Adjustment of automated control system for industrial equipment control cabinets

Test and Tag

Electrical Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

If you own or manage a business, we know how busy you are! Let us remove the burden of keeping up-to-date and on-track with your mandatory electrical testing and tagging and compliance.

Not sure what your obligations are in terms of test and tag regulations and electrical safety?

Not to worry: the Scholz Electrical team is experienced in all current electrical regulations including:

  • commercial test and tag
  • electrical testing and compliance
  • safety switch testing
  • RCD testing
  • Earth leakage device
  • all general electrical safety

If we are already on site doing electrical work for you, we can quickly and easily perform a basic electrical safety audit on your business and advise on the way forward for a detailed and regular audit.

Professional Electrical Inspections

Scholz Electrical has state-of-the-art testing equipment that compiles a full register of what our licensed electricians have tested, with individualised barcodes for each item.

At the end of our electrical safety audit we will provide you – or your company’s safety officer – with a detailed itemised report with the pass/fail history of each item.

We will also remind you when your next Electrical Safety Audit is due. It’s stress-free electrical safety, directed by Scholz Electrical.

And as with any of our (licensed and insured) electrical work, we will provide you with an electrical certificate of compliance, either on your invoice, or via a form 15 or 16.

Electrical safety testing schedule for businesses

Test and Tag Brisbane

All businesses are required to provide an electrically safe workplace and there are mandatory intervals that a business must engage a licensed electrician to conduct electrical inspections, including test and tag and safety switch testing.

Test and tag checks the safety and functionality of the equipment used by your staff to ensure there is no chance of electric shock occurring when your staff use the device. A licensed electrician, covered by an electrical contractor’s ticket, is the only person that can perform an electrical safety check.

All of our RCD testing and test and tag complies with Australian Standards AS/NZS 3760.

  • Every 6 months – For warehousing and construction equipment including commercial kitchens (extension leads, blenders and sandwich makers in a commercial kitchen)

  • Every 12 months – Mobile office equipment ( eg laptop cables, phone chargers)

  • Every 12 months – Workplace kitchen appliances (eg coffee machines, toasters)

  • Every 5 years – Fixed office equipment in a general office environment (computers, printers)

View the Queensland Government’s [Workplace Health and Safety Electrical Safety Office] website for more information about intervals for testing here.

Switchboard safety
RCD testing Brisbane
Safety Switch testing
Earth Leakage device

In Queensland, every electrical circuit – whether it’s in a domestic or commercial setting – now needs to have its own safety switch (also known as an RCD, safety switch or earth leakage device).

Safety switches are vital safety devices that ensure any leakage of voltage to an appliance – which can endanger life – are immediately detected and the circuit shut down.

As part of our electrical safety audit we can test your switchboard and identify any fatigued devices/cabling or aged switchboard. This will ensure another aspect of your business’s hazard identification and risk assessment is taken care of.

If we deem anything is unsafe we can either disconnect or repair.

If you run a commercial business, a licensed electrician must test a safety switch every two years and a functionality test must be done every six months. This functionality test must be performed and documented every six months. It can be done in-house by a designated employee, but we can also weave this functionality testing into our schedule to save you worry.

So get the protection your employees and business needs. Contact us today to schedule our service.


How Can We Help You Today?


    Do you service plug-in testers, fault finding & resolve (issue customer report)?2022-12-19T09:11:38+00:00

    Yes, find and fix (however, not inc. fixing appliances).

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